
HELLO! Can we talk?

Join our conversation about cannabis, cannabinoids and how they are used.

Please allow me to introduce myself …

My name is Patricia Smith and I have been a medical marijuana patient advocate for nearly forty years now. I’ve created this blog to share the knowledge I have gained from helping thousands of patients suffering from a wide variety of conditions who were all helped with cannabis therapy.

There is so much misinformation out there, I hope to provide a place where you can get straight answers to your questions. And if I don’t know, I’ll find someone who does, but I won’t tell you things I can’t back-up.

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Buyer Beware

I received a phone call today that has my blood boiling.  “Ruth” is 40 and just got the awful news that her breast cancer has returned and that it has metastasized to her brain, lungs and liver.

Ruth has two darling children, both under 8 years old.  The thought of not being here to nuture them into adulthood gives her night terrors.

In desperation she spent thousands of dollars on cannabis supplements only to find that they were practically water.  Not only was she ripped off for money her family could not afford to waste, it was criminal to give false hope that these medicines might “cure” her cancer.

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Autism and Cannabinoids

Source: Autism Daily Newscast

A new study shows that mutations associated with autism block the action of brain molecules that act on the same receptors that marijuana’s active chemical acts on. Endocannabinoids are molecules that affect memory, learning, pain, and other important processes. They share a similar chemical structure with THC, the primary psychoactive component of marijuana. Endocannabinoids naturally occur in the human brain, and are responsible for synaptic signaling within the brain.

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